Sunday, December 21, 2008


Ok so xmas is right around the corner and your boy Webb didn't do any shopping yet..... Not 1 gift bought or even thought of. I won't call myself the Grinch but I'm not really big on xmas. I love it for little children, but its adults that ruin it. Just look at the first official day of xmas shopping 6am a man was killed while at work because these crazy ass people want to catch a sale. Is it that serious that if you don't get your gifts the world is gonna end. All of the crazy shopping and rushing stems from pressure that people put on their family, friends, significant other to get this amazing gift. Me personally I don't do xmas for adults, I get gifts for children, my mom & shorty. Kids love gifts, I gotta get suttin 4 my mom cuz she is a big kid lol, and I always get suttin 4 shorty so I can stay out of the "DOG HOUSE"..... But this year might be the latest start I ever got. Maybe its cuz of the baby shower being the main focus or simply lost track of time. I can say that I can't wait til its all over!!!!! I don't want anything 4 xmas so I'm good ;-)


JOFre$h said...

I'm not getting anybody Jack shit. This year Imma worry about J.O and treat myself to a ton of gifts.

Webb-the-man said...

You funny but I feel you... I'm only do the kids this year man... And "jack shit"... You sure you don't work construction

Kofi Bofah said...

Merry Christmas / Happy New Year.

I know that I am late.